
Pubblicato il

09-04-2024 18:49

Lisboa Rio Nightclub Prices:

The prices to enter Lisboa Rio nightclub depend on the party, as each day has a different theme. Currently, the following parties are happening at Lisboa Rio:

  • Tuesday: Magnet - Women free until 1:30 am;
  • Wednesday: Funk in Rio;
  • Thursday: Reggaeton - Women free until 1:30 am;
  • Friday: Pop Reggaeton - Women free until 1:30 am;
  • Saturday: Ladies Night;
  • Sunday: Bungee Electronic and Samba on the River;

Lisboa Rio does not close during the summer.

Lisboa Rio Nightclub Prices:

- With Guest List: Prices range from €10 to €15 consumable, depending on the party and guest artists. Women get in FREE until 1:30 am on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Additionally, there may be special events with different prices.

- VIP Booths for Groups: Prices range from €50 to €120 per person.

Lost Consumption Card Fee:

If you lose your consumption card, you will be charged around €50.

Lisboa Rio Atmosphere:

The small and cozy atmosphere and the riverside location make Lisboa Rio a popular destination for tourists visiting the city. Tourists looking to experience Lisbon's nightlife often include Lisboa Rio in their itineraries. 😉

Images - Lisboa Rio's official website and local producers' sources.

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